I come from the italian tradition…
I am Siriano Fidanza
In a context in which the title of Chef is increasingly abused and the care of the professional is lost in the presentation of the dish, we return to search for the cook to eat well and feel good. This kitchen is my life.
This job is the result of a long journey and many sacrifices. That’s why they look for me. Wherever I go my greatest passion is:
“Always cooking like I were in my restaurant .”
Recent posts
Acriter et fideliter @NB Center
“With courage and fidelity”, the motto of the Papal Swiss Guards. With the same spirit and a strong sense of …
Soletanche Bachy at Palazzo Sacchetti
Why talk about work? The leaders of Soletanche Bachy in Rome for a splendid Rugby game and a dinner with Chef …
50 years of Enel
Working with important companies like Enel requires commitment and responsibility. The success of an evening of this kind is entrusted to …
Experience and judgment
For everything that comes before you can say Chef. For a concrete cooking, made not only for appearance. The kitchen is designed and organized thanks to real experience. My goal, as a cook, is to make you eat well. I trust these skills are what you are looking for.